Dear Members,
You may have noticed that we are conducting a tender for the Serasa restaurant. As we have received questions about it from members, we would like to provide some information about the process here.
First some information about how the restaurants at the clubhouses are operated.
The restaurants at both club houses are run by an external providers and have been for many years.
Both restaurants are run in accordance with the RBYC requirements and rules
The contract with current caterer in Serasa expired at the end of April 2021 and could not be extended due to overall legal requirements which had not been met.
As is usual in this case, a tender is sent out, and the current and prospective providers can apply.
The last committee extended the contract of the current Serasa club house caterer by 15 months to allow the caterer to form a new legal entity to comply with legal requirements and with the condition that the RBYC would conduct a tender, for which they could apply.
The tender is to evaluate the market and to ensure that the club will get the best services available and one which adheres to the club's legal requirements
Serasa Member